Thursday, August 17, 2023

 You think your dentist can only drill teeth ?

Dr Seow Onn Choong

My squash kaki had a problem. His wedding ring is now constricting his finger and restricting its blood flow. It had caused him to have a trigger finger problem. His doctor advised him to remove the ring but could not provide the resource.

It became his long time angst.

I told him to come down to my clinic as I knew the solution. Obviously he was very apprehensive about the procedure. In his mind he expects me to use a very special drilling tool that can also injure his finger. Worst of all is a special forceps for  extractions that can also accidentally pull out his finger. Who else can he trust?

Well you can see how a dentist removes a wedding ring.

This is the problem

A safety stainless  steel band is placed under the ring as a protective barrier

click on above to see video

A dental tool to prised the ring apart

Free at last.

Sometime ago another squash kaki had a splinter caught under his nail. The hospital told him he needed surgery  to remove the nail in order to reach the splinter. Fortunately he posted his problem in our chatgroup.

Once again the dental drill did the trick